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3 tips for an excellent bodybuilding program

If you are looking for good tips for a bodybuilding training program, you should read this article now. Building muscle is not easy, but it's a simple process. Some people write exercises that seem to come from NASA. Follow the tips below to develop your muscles now.

Advanced resistance:
Advanced resistance is the most important factor for any exercise program. You should always add more weight to the bar. Or rehearse more at each session, otherwise only the current size and strength will be preserved. Recording your sets, reps, and weights in a notebook is a great way to ensure that you are following a progressive resistance.

Use a variety of repetitions:
It is important to use a large rep range to achieve continuous size and strength gains. If you are always in the same repetition interval (such as 3x10), your body adapts to it and progress stops. Working in the lowest repetition ranges (eg 5 x 5) promotes increased strength. This helps to build more muscle mass by using more weight.

Often change your workout:
As I said; Your muscles adapt quickly to a workout routine. Therefore, it is important that you change your program about every 3 weeks. This prevents muscle adaptation and plateaus. A good way to do this is to use lower reps and more series for 3 weeks. For example 5x5, it will improve your strength. Then follow this with more repetitions and lower sets, eg. 3x10. It will affect the size of the muscle.


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