Are you planning a bodybuilding program for girls? You may already have read many articles about exercise programs or exercises that you need to get started. Keep in mind that in order to succeed in a girl's bodybuilding program , you need to maintain a healthy diet. 1. Beef: It is essential in your diet if you want to build muscle mass due to its content like zinc, cholesterol, protein, iron and B vitamins because they have higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid or CLA than conventionally bred animals. This urges you to remove fat from the body. 2. Beets: It is a perfect source of trimethylglycine or betaine. It improves your liver and promotes joint repair. Beets also helps you have the strength and muscle power you need for the workout program you choose. 3. Brown Rice: This is a completely digested grain that will allow you to keep a lot of energy during the day for your activities and physical exercise . You can also increase the amount of y